EPARS Mission Statement:
“Promote amateur radio through association with likeminded individuals,
providing charitable communications as a public service, supporting education
and scientific inquiry into the technology of radio communications.”
Welcome to E.P.A.R.S.
The East Pasco Amateur Radio Society is located in Dade City, Florida.
EPARS is an Affiliated club of The American Radio Relay League.
This web site informs our members and the Public of our Field Services
and Amateur Radio Activities in East Pasco County.
Thank you to our supporters
EPARS Text msg service for members
Thanks and enjoy de AA4CB
Saturday Weekly Breakfast
EPARS : The Shop
Help support club repeaters
Repeaters are not cheap. EPARS tries to keep both repeaters , nodes, and link radios up and running 24/7. Most of the equipment is bought by a member or two and they allow it to be used on the EPARS site. There are times when repairs or updates are needed to the system. This can be expensive. If you would like to send the club a couple of dollars, that would be great. Any amount that you can donate is well appreciated. You do not need a Paypal account just follow the instruction after clicking on the donate button below.
Tuesday Club net
The East Pasco Amateur Radio Society holds a general NET on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM on our 2 Meter repeater, at 146.880 MHz. The PL is 146.2 . The net consists of check-ins, traffic, Swap'n'Shop, and Amateur Radio NewsLine ™. All Amateurs are welcome to check in to this net!
If you are a EPARS club member and you would like to be a net control operator, contact Chris, AA4CB. netcontrol@eparsonline.org He will get you into the schedule and supply you with any material you may need.
Get the latest version of the NET PREAMBLE by clicking the button below:
Thursday Night Digital net
Club meetings
Saturday November 11th
8 AM at IHOP.
Followed up with breakfast
Check here for any changes.
WinLink at St.Leo University
The KM4YGV-10 St Leo WINLINK gateway is up and running at St Leo. 145.030.
Winlink Packet and VARA-FM work good. NEEDS YOUR TESTING!!! East Side, West Side Central, Brooksville Springhill etc. I know the gadget works just wanna know how far. I'm gonna share this on the surrounding counties pages in hopes those folks will connect.
For more information on this node and Winlink
Radio Equipment Donations
Amateur radio allows individuals to connect across the airwaves to other communities, cities and even countries! Unfortunately, radio equipment can be more costly. Amateur (or the nickname HAM) radio operators can help provide communications in times of disasters or when other communications go down. Radios don’t require an monthly service plan, like cell phones or internet, yet, can provide the same type of communication through texting, emailing, or voice. As an Ham operator, you can even listen to or talk with astronauts on the International Space Station!
- We accept Radio and Electronic Equipment Donations
- Ham radio equipment of deceased or displaced ham radio operators will be put to good use.
- All donated equipment helps our club maintain the ability to provide emergency radio communications for local government, such as major snow storms , power outages and disasters.
- We will contact you, answer any questions and arrange for easy pick up.Thank You !
- Please email donate@eparsonline.org
EPARS E-Mail reflector
President Duane N4WDH president@eparsonline.org
Vice-President Chris AA4CB vp@eparsonline.org
Secretary John KB4WGA secretary@eparsonline.org
Treasurer Lloyd W4LJA treasurer@eparsonline.org
Mailing address
East Pasco Amateur Radio Society
P O Box 2199 St. Leo , Florida 33574
For the latest info on the K4EX repeater system and linking ability, click on the picture above.
Membership Form and Dues
EPARS receives all of its financial support from the amateur radio community through the collection of membership dues and donations. The ability of EPARS to service it’s normal operating expenses and to also develop and promote amateur radio programs in the community is directly proportional to the financial support it receives from individual amateur radio members like yourself.
EPARS not only works to promote amateur radio in the community through its various programs but it also provides actual technology such as both analog and digital repeater systems to its membership and other amateurs of the local community. Again the ability of EPARS to make available these technology services on a regular basis is again also directly proportional to the financial support it receives from amateur radio operators like yourself.