The October meeting for ARES will be held in Dade City E.O.C. on Saturday
Oct. 6th @ 1100 hrs. The Emergency Operations Center – East / IT Center or whatever
you want to call it is the new building on McDonald St. There is an elevator
on the loading dock on the West side of the building. I will have someone there to let everyone in.
I have a card key to the building but no other way to unlock it.
Oct. 6th @ 1100 hrs. The Emergency Operations Center – East / IT Center or whatever
you want to call it is the new building on McDonald St. There is an elevator
on the loading dock on the West side of the building. I will have someone there to let everyone in.
I have a card key to the building but no other way to unlock it.
I am sure that one of the topics of this meeting will be about Hurricane Florence.
Hope to see everyone there.
Ralph McCullough WA3YFQ
Pasco County Emergency Coordinator
Pasco County Emergency Coordinator
Directions to the Facility <–Click
the road off of 301 that you need to turn down.