
Membership Form and Dues

EPARS receives all of its financial support from the amateur radio community through the collection of membership dues and donations.  The ability of EPARS to service it’s normal operating expenses and to also develop and promote amateur radio programs in the community is directly proportional to the financial support it receives from individual amateur radio members like yourself.

EPARS not only works to promote amateur radio in the community through its various programs but it also provides actual technology such as both analog and digital repeater systems to its membership and other amateurs of the local community. Again the ability of EPARS to make available these technology services on a regular basis is again also directly proportional to the financial support it receives from amateur radio operators like yourself.

It is vitally important that each one of us as amateur radio operators understands that if we are interested in promoting amateur radio in our community we will only do so by working together both cooperatively and financially.  The grand result of  growth is a much more enjoyable endeavor for us and a powerful resource that is available for our community leaders to use in the time of communications need .  Anything that we might do outside of these concepts will only cause our hobby to wither and to become nonviable .

So if your not already an EPARS member please consider becoming one and help support amateur radio.  Remember the success and power of amateur radio is truly in your hands and nobody else!

If you would like to become an EPARS member

please fill out an EPARS Membership form.

Membership forms and dues may be paid or submitted at the meetings, activity events, or online. If you plan to pay dues by check please make the check out to EPARS” and bring the membership form with your dues to the next scheduled club event/activity or send a message via HERE to arrange for other options.

Membership forms and dues can also be mailed to :

East Pasco Amateur Radio Society

P O Box 2199

St.Leo, Fl 33574